There may be times when choosing a motorcycle first aid kit is sometimes a matter of compromise. You probably don’t want to lose too much luggage space, but you still want to be prepared for accidents. So, size, weight, and content are all factors you need to consider. However, the choice may not be so easy, because our health should not be compromised … So how do we get out of it ?!
We have been on many expeditions and there are thousands of kilometers behind us, and only recently have we managed to find a satisfactory solution. If this issue is also important to you and you are just looking for a proven motorcycle first aid kit, then we invite you to read this article, in which we share our discovery and opinion about it.
The immense majority of kits out there are cheap and generic. You have to have a medical kit in your car for example. Those kits really are in fact totally inadequate. They are designed to meet a legal requirement. They are not really designed to help you in case of an accident. You can buy any of those generic medical kits on the net or in your local shop.
Falling of a motorcycle is not a pleasant experience. As a motorcyclist, you are completely exposed and falls can have very unpleasant consequences: broken bones, cut skin, sprains, scratches, etc.
Proper preparation for the consequences of a fall, small or large, should be a priority for all motorcyclists, especially those traveling further from “civilization”. Someone’s life may even depend on a good preparation!
We have been looking for a decent, ready-made solution for a long time. We often used to complete a motorcycle first aid kit from several different ones, buying additional elements of better quality. Off course that’s always a choice, but it can greatly extend the process of preparing for the trip and increase the risk that you could forget something. Fortunately, we finally found a satisfactory solution. The motorcycle first aid kit that we tested on our trips and which we want to present to you in this article. It is a modular set and is called TRAUMAKIT. It was designed by the AEDMAX team. We present you here a product that we use ourselves – EASY BAG 2.
This motorcycle medical kit was developed in Poland by bikers for bikers. We like it a lot and we think you’ll like it too. Here’s why…

Admittedly, EASY BAG 2 isn’t the smallest set you’ll find. However, the comprehensive content is really worth the weight penalty. It is constructed of a nylon bag and has a strap for easy carrying. Its rectangular shape makes it easy to pack at the bottom of a pannier or a bag. For example, it fits perfectly with the metal case of the BMW GS. It includes two modules: one for emergencies and one for fractures (so we chose).

WEIGHT: 1,800 g
SIZE: 200mm x 120mm x 160mm
Inside the TRAUMAKIT motorcycle medical kit is everything you’ll really need to treat smaller injuries or problems you can experience on the road. It is designed in two neat modules, packed in separate pouches. The two pouches are held together with a velcro. This was a good idea: when you open the medical kit, the pouches won’t fall out.
- Orange pouch: what you need for wound treatment & infections
- Grey pouch: what you need to stabilize broken bones

Most riders are not trained nurses or doctors. Many don’t even have had the opportunity to complete a first aid course. Knowing what to do when faced with emergency situations such as bleeding, or medical emergencies is vital, so AEDMAX Team thought of helping you.
The set is equipped with 6 cardboard cards. These cards explain with simple pictures what you should do if you are dealing with:
- Small cuts
- Bigger cuts & hemorrhages
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, heart massage & positioning of the electrodes of a defibrillator
- Infections
- Burns
- Heat strokes & safety positions

We feel this is a great idea! The cards are simple, illustrative and will give you the information you need for these problems, without having to read pages of text.
The grey pouch of the motorcycle medical kit contains all kinds of plasters, scissors, medical bands, disinfectant, hand wipes, etc. Essentially, all you need to stop bleeding or treat a smaller cut or infection with is contained. The scissors are real medical scissors, not those cheap Chinese knock-offs you find in the generic car medical kits – which are useless…
On top of this, you will also find a powerful chemical LED frontal and a small electronic gauge allowing you to check blood pressure and heart rate.
This section of the motorcycle medical kit designed by TRAUMAKIT contains more useful items than the medical kit found in the average household.
Full content list of the emergency pouch:
- Disposable nitrile gloves “L” – 2 pairs
- Tablets for diabetics Glucose Dextro Energy Classic – 1 op.
- Hot Pack hand warmer – 2 pcs.
- Cold Pack Cold Pack – 1 pc.
- Plum Eye Wash 200 ml – 1 pc.
- FIXOPORE eye dressing – 2 pcs
- Plastic tweezers – 1 pc.
- Bag with a closure (amputation) – 2 pcs.
- Chemical light – 1 pc.
- Cooling spray for injuries ALTACET ICE 130 ml – 1 pc.
- Scissors

The orange pouch contains all kinds of bandages. All you need to stabilize a fracture is here. The content allows you to deal with a fracture to allow the wounded person to be transferred to a medical facility for more permanent treatment.
As in the other pouch, everything is neatly packed in plastic pockets. This is really good because when you open the pouches the content does not spill on the ground.

Full content of this module:
- Disposable nitrile gloves “L” – 2 pairs
- Sam Splint rail 50 cm x 11 cm – 1 pc.
- MATOPAT UNIVERSAL elastic band 12 cm x 5 cm – 4 pcs.
- MATOVIS knitted bandage 10 cm x 4 cm – 4 pcs.
- MATOCOMP 17-thread dressing gauze 1 / 2m² – 2 pcs.
- Cotton triangular MATOPAT scarf – 1 item
- NRC foil (thermal blanket) – 1 pc.
You can get it via AEDMAX website shop. You also have the possibility to order different versions of the motorcycle medical kit.
The one we tested costs PLN 334.56 or EUR 73.
Comparing it to a generic kit costing less than EUR 10, it is a lot of money. However, the content and design of this kit makes it well worth every cent.

This motorcycle medical kit has everything you need to deal with major or minor road problems. Whether in a group or even more so during a solo trip. At MotoBirds, we made our choice: let’s take TRAUMAKIT on our trips for sure!
We hope you will use our experience and learn from this article. Safety is always our priority, so we recommend only proven solutions!
We wish you many safe kilometers ridden! ????